,,,<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/1/0.png" width="1000" height="563">
[[--start--->old friend emerges]]
[[--area select--->area select]]
<audio src="http://eckva.net/louse/title.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/1/1.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The Old Friend emerges from the blank walls. Today is the beginning of rot. It is time to leave.
[[--Thank Old Friend and go->old friend stays]]
--Nullify Old Friend now
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/windy+2+quiet.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/1/1.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The Old Friend will stay with the house as rot begins. He will be taken.
-As you begin to leave the house, you feel it moving in your eye. The black spot in your vision. The Blot is awake.
[[--continue->the blot fills]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/windy+2+quiet.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/1/2.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The Blot fills everything you can see. It speaks:
''!Tell me why you seek rot.''
--to nullify those in it
[[--`to` end it->blot speaks]]
--to end myself(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/1/3.png" width="1000" height="563">
-Everything begins to hurt as the Blot speaks:
''!Naive and oblivious. You will have nothing but pain on this path. I am watching.''
[[--continue->old friend opens door]]
(track: 'bgtone', 'play')(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/1/4.png"width="1000" height="563">
-The Blot is no longer in your sight.
-The Old Friend opens the door for you to leave. You see rot on the ground outside. It is very close.
[[--Enter rot->towards house]]
--Stay inside
(track: 'bgtone', 'stop')
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/windy+2.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/2/1.png"width="1000" height="563">
-You step inside rot. It surrounds you as you sink dowards into its putrid mass.
-Rot looks at you. It speaks with fetid breath:
''!A new pilgrim is here. I am glad for this. I have a gift for all that arrive to my wonderful body.''
[[--Accept the gift->gift appears]]
--Refuse the gift
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/rot+interior+1.mp3" autoplay loop>=><=
!input history recorded
!assets loaded
[[--run Louse program->intro screen]]
~~--load most current~~
<a href="http://eckva.net/database/118111291920514518/">|document output|</a>
<a href="https://freddysnetwork.neocities.org/%EF%BC%AC%EF%BC%AF%EF%BC%A3%EF%BC%A1%EF%BC%AC99%EF%BC%B4%EF%BC%B6%20_%20%EF%BC%A8%EF%BD%8F%EF%BD%8D%EF%BD%85%EF%BD%90%EF%BD%81%EF%BD%87%EF%BD%85%20(Site%20cached%20on%20March%2017,%202001%2013_41_07%20GMT)">|site feed|</a>
<a href="https://freddysnetwork.neocities.org/Welcome%20to%20Channel%2099%20Network%20(97-ish)">|return to Channel 99|</a>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/2/2.png"width="1000" height="563">
-A small item appears in your hand.. Inside is``ßï>`é.m;ÔC8ìXÙø^ºwïãa^§ß¼ŠöúÝÛú滼k}``
!sync to external records complete
-selected destination: eckva.net/louse
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/rot+interior+1.mp3" autoplay loop>preload: true
showControls: falsebgtone: http://eckva.net/louse/tone.mp3
bgerror: https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/audioerrorcannotread.mp3(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/1/5.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You approach rot. Everything within you tells you to turn back, but you are here to end it.
-The Blot stirs inside your eye.
-You look back one more time and see The Old Friend’s house being taken. You hear no sound coming from inside.
[[--continue->step inside rot]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/windy+2.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/2/3.gif"width="1000" height="563">
-document archive repair progress 10%
''!document(s) keyword matched''
-database output complete
-returning to program
[[--continue->pulled downwards]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/audioerrorcannotread.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/2/4.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The gift melts into your hand
-The face of rot speaks:
''!I know what you said above, little pilgrim. You are here to end rot. That is impossible. I am endless.''
-You feel your skin burn as you are pulled downwards. Something is wrapped around your leg.
[[--Let yourself sink down->sink into rot]]
--Scream for help
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/rot+interior+1.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/2/5.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The rancid walls surround and engulf you as you sink downwards, away from the face of rot. A searing pain spreads across your entire body.
-Something moves within the muscles of your hand and slides up your arm towards your head.
-The vision in your left eye becomes darker. The blot is awake.
[[--continue->blot speaks 2]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/rot+interior+3.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/2/6.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The pressure in your eye builds until it is unbearable. The blot bursts from your pupil. It grows outwards into countless branches.
-You feel the hand's grip on your leg tighten as it pulls you down faster.
[[--continue->old friend rot]]
(track: 'bgtone', 'play')
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/rot+interior+3.mp3" autoplay loop>
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/rot+interior+1.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/1/2.png" width="1000" height="563">
-Your left eye is filled with the blot. It speaks:
''!You have failed so quickly. The pain worsens. I will intervene.''
-You feel something moving in your right eye
[[--Give control to the blot->blot escapes]]
--ignore it
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/rot+interior+3.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/2/7.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You look down with your good eye to see what is pulling you.
-The Old Friend’s vile face looks up at you contorted in pain and anger.
-The blot’s branches wrap around his neck and squeeze until the head slides off.
-You feel the hand on your leg let go.
[[--continue->enter rot cavern]]
(track: 'bgtone', 'stop')
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/rot+interior+3.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/3/1.png" width="1000" height="563">
-In a blur of motion you are pushed through the rancid walls of rot and into a large cavern.
-The blot retreats back into your left eye.
-On the ground is the head of The Old Friend. It hisses quietly and moves its mouth, as if it’s trying to speak.
[[--Listen to the head->Head speaks]]
--Crush the head(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/3/2.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You get close to the head and listen. It speaks:
''!you carry the rot. give yourself to its consumption. do not suffer.''
-The eyes of The Old Friend glow brightly before liquifying.
-The light sears an image into your eyes momentarily
!document(s) keyword matched
[[--continue ->eye of rot speaks 1]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/brightestaudio.mp3" autoplay loop>[reset]<1|
(click: ?1)[(reload:)]
<img src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/friend+head+bright+portrait.png" width="1000" height="563">
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/brightestaudio.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/4/1.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The Old Friend’s head melts into the floor of the cavern
-Your right eye sees nothing but red. The color congeals
-The red mass of rot forms in your vision
''!your offering has been accepted little pilgrim. I am glad you did not nullify and spoil its sacred form''
''!I am with you now''
[[--speak to rot ->eye of rot speaks 2]]
--ignore rot(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/4/1.png" width="1000" height="563">
-rot stares into you
''!I know how badly you want to speak. I will hear you.''
--let me leave
[[--why are you here -> eye of rot speaks 3]]
--I'll kill you
--you can't stop me(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/4/2.png" width="1000" height="563">
-rot smiles.
''!I am endless. there has never been a time that I am not here.
!the ground above is being taken. the skin for my wonderful body. I am with you little pilgrim. and you will be taken as well.''
-You feel the blot in your left eye moving furiously
[[--continue -> blot+rot speak]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/4/3.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The blot fills the vision in your left eye
-The blot speaks:
''!If you listen to me you will continue to endure this pain but survive. Remove the disgusting rot.''
-Rot speaks:
''!Oh no little pilgrim. That filth lies. Remove it and be unspoiled. I am with you.''
-Your hands tremble
[[--remove rot -> remove eye of rot]]
--remove the blot
--do nothing(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/4/4.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You raise your left hand. The blot branches out from your eye once again and wraps itself around your arm.
-Your hand thrusts towards your face, clutches your right eye, and removes it in a single quick motion.
-The pain is intense but you will survive.
[[--continue -> removed eye on ground]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/4/5.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The blot retreats into your left eye.
-you look down at your feet. You see your right eye laying on the wet ground.
-it looks like it’s staring back at you.
--step on it
[[--bring it with you->bring eye]]
--leave it behind(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/4/6.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You hold the eye in your hand. There are small red tentacles reaching out through the sides
-It quickly slithers onto the back of your hand and holds tightly.
-The eye of rot speaks
''!You couldn’t let me go could you little pilgrim. I can see you so well now''
[[--continue->love approaches]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/5/1.png" width="1000" height="563">
-Before you can say anything you hear wet footsteps.
-Looking into the darkness you can barely make out a shape moving slowly towards you.
[[--try to hide->rot screech]]
--stay where you are(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/5/2.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You move into the shadows and press yourself against the slick wall as the figure approaches
-Your right hand stings as the eye of rot speaks:
''!No no. I want you to meet all of my dear friends.''
-A deafening squeal comes from your hand. The figure turns toward you.
[[--continue->love of rot appears]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/rot+screech+audio.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/5/3.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The figure steps out of the shadows. Its shriveled face is partially hidden behind a large stone mask
-It lets out quick ragged breaths, almost like laughing, and speaks:
''!Oh how I have been searching for you our newest friend!''
-Somehow you already know its name
-The Love of Rot
[[--respond->respond to love]]
--say nothing
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/love+theme.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/5/3.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The Love moves closer to you. It continues:
''!All those who embrace rot will not suffer. Resistance is what causes the pain. Please. Let me help you start your new life today.''
-how do you respond?
--I'm here to kill rot
--lie: I want to start it
[[--truth: I want to start it->give in to love]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/love+theme.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/5/4.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You feel an unbearable sense of hopelessness. Your focus fades away. All you want to do is rest. To stop the pain.
-The Love of Rot speaks:
''!You have made the right choice, dearest friend. I am so happy that you have chosen to heal.''
-Your left eye twitches.
[[--continue->blot speaks to giving in]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/love+theme+broken.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/5/5.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The Love of Rot takes your hand. Your vision begins to fade.
-The last thing you see before you lose consciousness is The Blot’s face.
-Its words echo in the darkness:
''!This failure is not what you want. I see your thoughts. Your past. Do you?''
!document(s) keyword matched
[[--continue->blot fade 1]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/blot+responds.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/5/6.png" width="1000" height="563">
[[--continue->blot fade 2]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/blot+fade+audio.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/5/7.png" width="1000" height="563">
[[--contine->blot fade 3]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/blot+fade+audio.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/5/8.png" width="1000" height="563">
[[--continue->blot fade 4]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/blot+fade+audio.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/5/10.png" width="1000" height="563">
[[--continue->base of mountain]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/6/1.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You stand at the base of the mountain. A path of loose dirt continues to the top. Daylight is beginning to fade and you are tired from the long hike, but you know The Old Friend is waiting for you.
-It is the last day before rot begins.
[[--continue on the path->top of mountain]]
[[--continue on the path->top of mountain]]
[[--continue on the path->top of mountain]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/windy+2.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/6/2.png" width="1000" height="563">
-It is dark by the time the path levels off and you find yourself at the peak. Your legs ache.
-A small fire lights the area in front of you. The Old Friend sits near it.
[[--sit down near the fire->sit down with old friend]]
--look around
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/windy+2.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/5/9.png" width="1000" height="563">
[[--continue->blank screen]]
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/blot+fade+audio.mp3" autoplay loop>
<audio src="https://louse.s3.amazonaws.com/love+theme+broken.mp3" autoplay loop>(link-undo:"<--back")
[[-the beginning->old friend emerges]]
[[-sinking->step inside rot]]
[[-cavern->enter rot cavern]]
[[-eye->eye of rot speaks 1]]
[[-love->love approaches]]
[[-the mountain->base of mountain]]
[[-leave tonight->old friend leaves]]
[[-love 2->wake up under love]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/6/3.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You sit across from The Old Friend.
-The bitter wind here has taken a toll. He’s not how you remember.
-He raises his head to you and speaks:
!I’m glad you are here. It's quiet tonight. But I know it will break through tomorrow. The voice of rot told me
[[--continue->flashback old friend speaks]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/6/4.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The Old Friend continues:
''!It has grown steadily over the years, taunting me the entire time for staying on the mountain. It knows I cannot nullify it on my own.''
-You look at the ground nearby and see a small oozing mound. That must be it. The rot pressing through the surface.
[[--continue->come inside]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/6/5.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The Old Friend notices you looking at the rot:
!Don’t worry, it won’t open up until morning. You should come inside and try to rest as much as you can before then.
-You begin to walk towards the house, but he stops you:
!There is one last preparation we need to make first...
[[--continue->before affliction]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/6/3.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The Old Friend speaks in a hushed tone:
!Before you go inside, I will need to give you the affliction. The blot inside my eye said it cannot stay with me. It hates everything within the ground beneath us so it wants to come with you to end it. It will help you survive tomorrow.
[[--accept the blot->transfer blot]]
[[--accept the blot->transfer blot]]
[[--accept the blot->transfer blot]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/6/6.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The Old Friend opens his left eye wide and the blot’s tendrils immediately reach out from it and grasp your head. A large black mass breaks forth from his eye and rushes toward you.
-Everything turns blurry and you briefly forget your own existence.
[[--continue->after transfer]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/6/7.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You look back to The Old Friend after regaining your composure. His eye is gone. He nods solemnly.
!The blot has been with me since I arrived on this mountain. Now it is with you. Let it help you, but do not let its hatred drain your soul.
-You feel movement in your left eye.
[[--continue->enter the house]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/6/7.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You enter The Old Friend’s house. He has a room ready for you to rest in.
!I will wake you when rot has begun.
-He hesitates before continuing:
!It's likely I will be taken by rot tomorrow as well. If you wish to nullify me then, I will not stop you.
-How do you respond?
--[Say nothing]
--Come with me
[[--You should leave tonight->old friend leaves]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/7/1.png" width="1000" height="563">
-It takes some convincing, but The Old Friend eventually agrees to leave the mountain.
-Soon you are watching as he walks down the steep path, leaving you behind to face rot.
-Your vision begins to blur. Your mind feels distant. The sky looks wrong.
[[--continue->blot in the sky]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/7/2.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You look above the mountain peaks and see the blot looking down on you, filling the sky. Its voice cuts right into your thoughts:
''!Is that what you wish you had done? Your friend was taken by rot. Wishful thinking will not change that. You can never go back.''
[[--continue->enter the house 2]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/6/7.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You enter The Old Friend’s house. He has a room ready for you to rest in.
!I will wake you when rot has begun.
-He hesitates before continuing:
!It's likely I will be taken by rot tomorrow as well. If you wish to nullify me then, I will not stop you.
-How do you respond?
[[--say nothing->old friend looks away]]
[[--say nothing->old friend looks away]]
[[--say nothing->old friend looks away]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/7/3.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The Old Friend averts his eyes. There is a long silence. He looks concerned:
!The rot is speaking to me again. I will be outside.
-He leaves quickly.
-You are alone. Surrounded by the blank walls of this dimly lit room.
-You lay down and close your eyes.
[[--continue->barely awake]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/7/4.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The exhaustion from your long trip to the mountain takes hold and you are soon asleep.
-Some time passes…
-Barely awake, you think you hear movement in the darkness.
[[--force yourself to wake up->dream friend appears]]
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/7/5.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You open your eyes and quickly realize you cannot move.
-The Old Friend stands over you.
''!You are nothing. A lost parasite. A single louse aimlessly crawling through the filth of the surface. But soon you will be with me little pilgrim. You will see what’s truly important.''
[[--continue->barely awake 2]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/7/6.png" width="1000" height="563">
-You blink and the room is empty, but what you heard still echoes in your mind.
-Your vision begins to blur again as you sit up. You feel lightheaded.
[[--continue->dream blot enters room]](link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/7/7.png" width="1000" height="563">
-The blot squirms into the room. It studies your face before speaking:
''!You regret what happened here. The friend has been taken and you did nothing about it.''
-The blot gets closer to you:
''!This is not an excuse for giving in to rot. Now get up.''
[[--get up->falling with dream blot]]
--ignore the blot(link-undo:"<--back")
<img src="https://louse1.s3.amazonaws.com/7/8.png" width="1000" height="563">
-As soon as you stand, the floor beneath you disappears. You are falling through a void with the blot.
''!You came to end the rot. That is almost impossible for someone like you. But you are the only option. Accept the pain. Do not let the disgusting growth take you too.''
[[--continue->wake up under love]](link-undo:"<--back")
(click: ?1)[(reload:)]