Are you ready to "make the switch" to digital?

On July 13th, 2021, KERA-TV Local 99 will join stations nationwide and broadcast using the DTV (digital) standard. If you have an analog TV set, you'll need to set up a digital converter box to make it compatible.

Don't have a digital receiver?

Check your eligibility for a free digital conversion kit at many electronics retailers, or by calling How-to-Swip txt.file or The Channel 99 Help site. Even if you don't qualify, or just missed the availability window, don't worry! There are other receivers

Channel 99 is a local news network based in peaceful, Fredville. The network promises to bring only the highest quality news and public network broadcast to the County. All-day, all nigḧt, ęvërỳ yeȃṛ, ȑouṉd thė clỏck and ţḣe ḇęst of tẖȩ a Channel Programming.

KERA-TV (KERA99) was founded in 1956. It was bought by Goldbox Broadcasting, Inc.