DavidCartoons' Orginal Toonz                  

11.23.22 Perfect!
10.25.22 out to lunch
10.6.22 2 friends on the beach
9.13.22 where i've been
8.23.22 the ending
8.2.22 i like to wear soft clothing (cause it makes me feel like i'm rough in comparison)
7.12.22 meet me in september
6.21.22 the ground plane
5.31.22 i'm a huge gamer most of the time
5.10.22 if the world doesn't end
4.19.22 at the corner store
3.29.22 9 8 7
3.8.22 fly around
2.15.22 i'm scared
10.19.21 more than a dream
4.19.21 got some money
3.23.21 i'm a princess
1.18.21 here comes the sun
3.18.19 might quit
2.12.19 Wild Frolicking Adventures of Informational Education
1.15.19 at the airport terminal
1.1.19 ball & stick
12.25.18 i just did a bad thing
11.27.18 christmas isn't real
11.13.18 slow down
10.30.18 long long long journey
10.18.18 how to win at spelling
10.16.18 when i get older
10.2.18 the moon is made of cheese, but i can't taste it
9.18.18 mount st. helens is about to blow up
9.4.18 i'm best friends with my own front door
8.21.18 hallelujah
6.21.18 hello sexy pants
4.25.18 and the day goes on
2.13.18 unboxing video
1.30.18 maybe i could eat blades of grass
1.16.18 La de da de da de da de day oh
10.10.17 soap tips
9.28.17 outside
8.3.17 i wanna be a movie star
7.6.17 hi, i'm steve
5.10.17 history of the entire world, i guess
6.25.16 alphabet shuffle
6.25.16 old macdonald
6.13.16 what is love?
6.12.16 snail time
6.3.16 content
5.31.16 thinkin bout doin some content
2.2.16 history of japan
1.10.16 gonna clean my room
1.6.16 do re mi
1.4.16 ways to be a more compassionate person, in the wintertime
1.2.16 i hate myself
12.30.15 facts about plastic
12.28.15 tomato anxiety
12.26.15 imaginary baking school
12.23.15 got a home by the bay
12.19.15 how about going to the mall
12.16.15 it's ok to have feelings
12.14.15 backwards hangman
12.11.15 cruel sports
12.10.15 cool sports
12.9.15 throw away the garbage pail
12.8.15 being a human, explained
12.7.15 biscuit challenge
12.6.15 chips (sponsored)
12.5.15 hope you have a good day
12.3.15 gotta write something down
12.2.15 jingle bells
12.1.15 homework help
11.30.15 birthday ideas
11.29.15 conversations with a pizza pie
11.28.15 how to remember your name
11.27.15 i've been thinking
11.26.15 holiday clarification
11.25.15 babies
11.24.15 don't let the world be terrible
11.23.15 fish opinions
11.22.15 movies
11.21.15 physics lesson
11.20.15 i know of a cool place to go
11.19.15 make things real
11.18.15 party ideas
11.17.15 i'm a loser
11.16.15 house building checklist
11.14.15 pick a card
11.13.15 turkeys
11.12.15 music
11.11.15 advantages to living in the future
11.10.15 downstairs
11.9.15 monday pop quiz
11.8.15 i live at kosciuszko street
11.7.15 smiling techniques step 2
11.6.15 smiling techniques
11.5.15 biography
11.4.15 questions, for personal reflection
11.3.15 how to fly a plane
11.2.15 monday update on the world
11.1.15 qualities of a good leader
10.31.15 the halloween song
10.30.15 q&a with plants
10.29.15 i'm from the west coast
10.28.15 reasons to be king
10.27.15 graveyard analysis
10.26.15 word unscramble 5
10.25.15 daily schedule
10.24.15 go down south
10.23.15 stop sign analysis
10.22.15 gonna buy a car and then change it
10.21.15 ideas
10.20.15 how to be cool
10.19.15 how to touch the sky
10.18.15 goats
10.17.15 no seriously, how do you find love
10.16.15 how do you find love?
10.15.15 i'm a person
10.14.15 the high class stuff
10.13.15 i'm alone in the universe
10.12.15 times it can be
10.11.15 improv lessons (8.8.08)
10.10.15 find out how it always was
10.9.15 fell in love on the q train
10.8.15 list of cool things to do
10.7.15 hats
10.6.15 possibilities
10.5.15 word unscramble 4
10.4.15 tfw when you'r when when when tfw #2015 affff
10.3.15 gonna do the thing (finally do the thing)
10.2.15 gonna write bad bad songs, til i ruin someone's day
10.1.15 david letterman
9.30.15 harmonizing the weather lady
9.29.15 what's the universe made of?
9.28.15 word unscramble 3
9.27.15 chords
9.26.15 flunk the world
9.25.15 what are you waiting for you dumb stupid fuck
9.24.15 gonna chase myself thru hell
9.23.15 parrot or carrot
9.22.15 behind the scenes
9.21.15 word unscramble 2
9.20.15 how to play a C major scale
9.19.15 just opened the letter i wrote to myself and it says i'm a stupid idiot
9.18.15 i wrote a letter to myself and now i'm opening it
9.17.15 world peace (ft. bwb)
9.15.15 do you like music
9.14.15 word unscramble
9.13.15 how to play the wrong notes
9.11.15 just wanna make Longer videos
9.10.15 abcdefghijk (featuring bill wurtz band)
9.9.15 what's 2 + 2
9.8.15 what time is it
9.7.15 monday encyclopedia review
9.6.15 music school
9.5.15 time to rearrange my world
9.4.15 (out there doin stuff like)
9.3.15 bwb, pt. iii
9.2.15 happy birthday
9.1.15 history of the world
8.31.15 monday rules of no-rule golf
8.30.15 it's 2015, and i got to go crazy
8.29.15 still a piece of garbage
8.28.15 i'm a piece of garbage
8.27.15 band practice
8.26.15 q&a: are you gonna sing every day
8.25.15 space toast
8.24.15 monday explanation of life
8.23.15 can't write songs so i'll just make a silly thing
8.22.15 Are you the Real You?
8.21.15 i'm gonna figure out what everything means
8.20.15 sound check
8.19.15 q&a: the music
8.18.15 q&a: how do you make your videos?
8.17.15 monday mountain of shame & regret
8.16.15 just wish i could make some music
8.15.15 got to know (just)
8.14.15 laws of the universe (and the world)
8.13.15 nap time
8.12.15 how not to make a video
8.11.15 how to make a video
8.10.15 monday spelling test
8.9.15 day 3
8.8.15 out of videos
8.7.15 out of videos
8.6.15 self image
8.3.15 monday good trade
7.30.15 fan mail
7.27.15 how big is the earth?
7.23.15 breakfast thoughts
7.20.15 monday riddles and pop quizzes
7.16.15 What To Expect in the Media and Television in 2016
7.13.15 how to undo a bad decision
7.9.15 do you ever get tired of yourself?
7.6.15 how to scare a penguin
7.2.15 big dreams (and goals)
6.29.15 monday candle trivia
6.25.15 All About The Music Business
6.22.15 intelligence test (for rocks)
6.18.15 sing a really dumb song
6.15.15 how-to-mhow to make mistak
6.11.15 bill wurtz questions
6.8.15 mule thoughts
6.6.15 you're free to do whatever you want to
6.4.15 i like salad
6.1.15 monday the code for my bank account
5.28.15 eat trees
5.25.15 monday balloon fight
5.21.15 summer vacation plans
5.18.15 monday bean trivia
5.14.15 a neat thing to do in your spare time
5.11.15 monday trivia
5.9.15 i'm crazy / it's raining
5.7.15 how to get more high than you already are
5.4.15 how to open a door
4.30.15 cool ideas
4.27.15 crime facts
4.23.15 bill wurtz plans for the future
4.20.15 types of dragons
4.16.15 exciting and interesting topics of discussion
4.13.15 how to make changes
4.9.15 stunning realizations
4.6.15 why the president is such a cool guy
4.2.15 hints and tips
3.30.15 this is a video
3.26.15 advice to young musicians
3.23.15 monday cactus analysis
3.19.15 cool facts about bill wurtz
3.16.15 how to listen to music
3.12.15 lizards are great
3.9.15 monday reasons i didn't do a monday video for the last 11 mondays
3.5.15 music is cool
12.18.14 re videos
12.17.14 bench
12.16.14 christmas video
12.15.14 monday church replacement
12.12.14 bad whale
12.11.14 asdfjaisdfjiasdjf
12.10.14 fun game
12.9.14 list of videos i've made
12.8.14 monday soccer tips
12.5.14 origin of chickens
12.4.14 origin of pineapples
12.3.14 origin of the earth
12.2.14 how to do more things
12.1.14 monday poem
11.28.14 rock'n'roll confusion
11.27.14 apple juice
11.26.14 i'm not sure
11.25.14 grow mushrooms on the sidewalk
11.24.14 monday thanks video
11.21.14 hey baby, buy my car
11.20.14 don't look in a boot
11.19.14 i have the heebity deebitys
11.18.14 lima beans
11.17.14 monday good firetruck
11.14.14 how to make sense
11.13.14 sickness as usual
11.12.14 cricket amplification
11.11.14 thanks for watching yesterday's video
11.10.14 monday next video
11.7.14 a Play featuring an iphone power block and a mechanical pencil
11.6.14 i'm stuck in a rut
11.5.14 diagram of the ocean
11.4.14 black & white
11.3.14 how to be happy
10.31.14 a brief history of spain (and portugal)
10.30.14 ]]]
10.29.14 ]]
10.28.14 ]
10.27.14 monday lizard eating contest results
10.24.14 the crappiest video in the world
10.23.14 the key to being creative
10.22.14 knock knock it's the news
10.21.14 save the tambourine for later
10.20.14 monday non-zebra
10.17.14 quit
10.16.14 i'm dizzy
10.15.14 gonna throw my wallet away
10.14.14 take a video of the ceiling
10.13.14 monday movie prices review
10.10.14 how to ask a question
10.9.14 dumb and smart pop quiz
10.8.14 what 2 do (UPDATE)
10.7.14 what 2 do (good advice)
10.6.14 monday video in jail
10.3.14 loud paperclip
10.2.14 can you put apples in a video?
10.1.14 not a vid
9.30.14 shaving my piano
9.29.14 funny dolphin
9.27.14 hey jodie foster
9.25.14 boat (don't miss)
9.23.14 gonna print out my feelings
9.22.14 monday monday trivia
9.19.14 blind (to no avail)
9.18.14 the dot video
9.16.14 i'm gonna iron my shoes
9.15.14 YouTube video
9.12.14 i'm confused
9.11.14 you can move
9.9.14 go tie a shoe
9.8.14 monday small idea
9.5.14 teddy bears
9.4.14 sadness (a message)
9.2.14 let's watch some television
9.1.14 rain fact
8.29.14 write a tune that really sucks
8.28.14 friends: a message about them
8.26.14 gonna mail you my floor
8.25.14 monday on a boat
8.22.14 little door
8.21.14 normal
8.19.14 math
8.18.14 monday question questions
8.15.14 don't make (me write you a melody)
8.14.14 love: a message
8.12.14 this tree is green
8.11.14 monday fun pill
8.4.14 monday trivia (holiday)
8.1.14 brief notification message
7.30.14 new schedule idea
7.29.14 let's get high (up)
7.28.14 monday bed full of bugs
7.25.14 we are humans
7.22.14 where does the railroad go?
7.21.14 video-monday
7.18.14 go back to where you belong
7.15.14 help, i'm lost in a calendar
7.14.14 monday accordion bowling
7.11.14 icy james
7.8.14 electricity
7.7.14 world peace phone
7.4.14 jazz america (i)
7.3.14 colonization
7.1.14 tuesday
6.30.14 monday idea having contest
6.27.14 time mop
6.26.14 guess i'll stare at the wall
6.24.14 i like
6.23.14 monday alligator kitchen
6.20.14 no castle
6.19.14 boxes
6.17.14 i know
6.16.14 monday icicle interview
6.13.14 napkins
6.12.14 earth
6.10.14 go home (i wanna)
6.9.14 monday sad house
6.6.14 raindrops are poisonous
6.3.14 couldn't succeed
6.2.14 random special update
5.30.14 can i reach for the stars
5.29.14 i'm writing a letter to you on my floor
5.27.14 the peanut butter song
5.26.14 comma art
5.23.14 macy's
5.22.14 it's not christmas
5.20.14 still silly
5.19.14 2 + 3
5.16.14 home from work
5.15.14 this is where i make my things
5.13.14 school
5.12.14 monday stack of &s
5.9.14 move over
5.9.14 shut up
5.8.14 jingle in bed
5.6.14 new canaan
5.5.14 monday pants shirt
5.2.14 no video today
4.29.14 the 'ngiueh' song
4.28.14 lamborghini trivia
4.25.14 tape deck
4.24.14 darkness video
4.22.14 get real
4.21.14 monday elevator testing
4.18.14 sponsor movie
4.15.14 skip to my loo
4.14.14 monday annoying thing
4.13.14 jazz green giant (i)
4.11.14 dance the
4.10.14 sometimes i (whatever)
4.8.14 don't be good to your neighbor
4.7.14 trivia trivia
4.3.14 africa
4.1.14 jazz nbc (i)
4.1.14 lalala
3.31.14 boomerang trivia
3.27.14 life street
3.24.14 units of measurement
3.25.14 the zoo
3.20.14 tape
3.18.14 sing me a song
3.17.14 ice cream sandwich
3.13.14 eat the floor
3.11.14 wondering how to feel
3.10.14 bike ride
3.7.14 gross insides
3.6.14 bread
3.4.14 feel okay
3.3.14 high/wide
2.28.14 hi bye
2.27.14 floor
2.25.14 barf on me
2.24.14 conflict
2.21.14 i'm a diamond
2.20.14 sleep on a pile of clothes
2.18.14 get outta here
2.17.14 monday trivia 2
2.14.14 sheep
2.13.14 door
2.11.14 no harm
2.10.14 monday trivia
2.7.14 eat dirt
2.6.14 stand
2.4.14 i'm sad
2.3.14 monday
1.29.14 pairs
1.13.14 hi, it's 1995
9.11.13 i write stupid music
8.13.13 what the fuck
8.10.13 hibernate
8.10.13 yes
8.8.13 test
8.5.13     vagina
8.4.13 penis
7.26.13 die
7.25.13 no
7.25.13 whatever
7.25.13 bears
7.11.13 jazz starbucks (i)
6.22.12 game challenge  (i)
3.6.11 my foot
3.5.11 here's a bowl
3.4.11 rising out of bed
12.22.10 green
12.18.10 this is the thing
12.15.10 alarm
11.16.10 flipping things
11.16.10 bookstacking
11.12.10  i wanna go home
11.12.10   i'm a camel
11.12.10 sitting in my room
11.1.10 i'm a leopard
10.31.10 not so hard to do